I was raised in the Christian faith by my Mom who made certain her children
attended Sunday School at a local Congregational fellowship. I'd like to say that I stayed on the
path but that would be inaccurate. Not that I did not believe; I did believe, but I was not walking
with Him.
I'd like to say despite that, my life has been a bed of roses. It has not. With said I have no idea
if it would have been even had I remained close by His side. At least though I'd have the comfort (?)
of knowing I'd been faithful and done my best.
At the time of this update, Jul 2012, we (wife and I) have been walking through a valley that seems to have no end.
Os Hillman calls it a "Joseph Pit" experience. Valley, or pit, the experience has brought our attention to
areas of our lives we needed to acknowledge and that God needed to change. After allowing Him to do so
the end might be in view but only He knows.